Authors: Cameron Leo, Lilly Roth-Shapiro, Megan Hall
Categories: Episode, Possibly Podcast
...the switch over to reusable coffee cups? We had our reporters Cameron Leo and Lilly Roth Shapiro look into this question. Welcome Cameron and Lilly! Cameron Leo: Hi Megan! Lilly... LISTEN NOW
Authors: Juliana Merullo, Cameron Leo, Megan Hall
Categories: Attorney General, Brown University, clean energy, Environment, Episode, Neronha, Possibly Podcast, solar panels, Sustainable
...When I meet these door-to-door salespeople, I always wonder- are these solar panel programs legit? So I asked Juliana Merullo and Cameron Leo to look into this question. Juliana Merullo:... LISTEN NOW
Authors: Cameron Leo, Juliana Merullo, Megan Hall
Categories: Brown University, CCA, Electricity, Energy Bill, Environment, Episode, Possibly Podcast, Rhode Island Energy, Sustainable
...version of this letter, too. That’s because last year, seven towns in Rhode Island launched brand new energy programs, called community choice aggregation. We had Cameron Leo and Juliana Merullo... LISTEN NOW
Authors: Fatima Husain, Megan Hall, Isha Chawla
Categories: Episode, Possibly Podcast
...means the plastic can contaminate the compost. Fatima Husain: Leo says it’s just not worth the hassle. Leo Pollock: Bioplastics really don’t add any nutritional or quantitative benefit to the... LISTEN NOW
Authors: Kolya Shields, Ashley Junger, Megan Hall
Categories: Episode, Possibly Podcast
...Northeast, what were our winters like 50 years ago? Kolya Shields: To find out, we spoke with Harvey Leonard, a chief meteorologist on Boston Channel 5… He’s actually been forecasting... LISTEN NOW
Authors: Luci Jones, Ashley Junger, Megan Hall
Categories: Episode, Possibly Podcast
...Dr. Kelsey Leonard. She’s an assistant professor at the University of Waterloo where she focuses on indigenous waters, climate, and sustainability. Kelsey Leonard: A lot of my current research and... LISTEN NOW
Authors: Christine Okulo, Cameron Leo, Megan Hall
Categories: Environment, Possibly Podcast
We asked our listeners to send in their wildest ideas for addressing climate change. And one listener, thinking about all of the trash Americans throw into landfills, asked if we... LISTEN NOW