Authors: Nat Hardy, Juliana Merullo, Megan Hall
Categories: Electric buses, Environment, Possibly Podcast, RIPTA, Transit Master Plan
...into this. Nat Hardy: Hi, Megan! Juliana Merullo: Hello! Megan Hall: So what’s the big picture here? Why are we talking about public transportation? Nat Hardy: Well the transportation sector... LISTEN NOW
Authors: Nat Hardy, Will Malloy, Megan Hall
Categories: Brown University, Environment, Episode, Home safety, Indiana University, Lead Poisoning, Lead Regulations, Pollutants, Possibly Podcast, Sustainable
...But why? We had Nat Hardy and Will Malloy from our Possibly Team look into this question. Nat Hardy: Hi, Megan! Will Malloy: Hello! Megan Hall: So, why are we... LISTEN NOW
Authors: Juliana Merullo, Nat Hardy, Megan Hall
Categories: Carbon Neutral, Environment, Inflation Reduction Act, Possibly Podcast, Providence City Council
...goal of being carbon neutral by 2050. And recently, the city government passed a new ordinance to help it meet that goal. Juliana Merullo and Nat Hardy from our Possibly... LISTEN NOW
Authors: Megan Hall
Categories: 2024, Environment, Episode, New Years, Resolutions, sustainability
...Iman Khanbhai. I’m a reporter for Possibly. Charlie Adams and Iman Khanbhai: We’re gonna use less water when we shave. Nat Hardy: Hi, my name is Nat Hardy, and I’m... LISTEN NOW
Authors: Janek Schaller, Iman Khanbhai, Megan Hall
Categories: 20-80 Order, Department of Public Utilities, Environment, Massachusetts, NATURAL GAS, Possibly Podcast the infrastructure that brings natural gas to people’s homes and businesses. Megan: In what way? Janek: Well, before a company can do something like fix a natural gas pipeline,... LISTEN NOW
Authors: Janek Schaller, Juliana Merullo, Megan Hall
Categories: climate change, Environment, NATURAL GAS, public utilities commission
...not really all that much better than natural gas, and it’s hard to produce it in large quantities. Megan Hall: What about just abandoning natural gas and the pipelines that... LISTEN NOW
Authors: Janek Schaller, Juliana Merullo, Megan Hall
Categories: Environment, Methane, NATURAL GAS, Possibly Podcast, Top Stories
...Hall: First off, why are we concerned about using natural gas? Janek Schaller: Natural gas is used for both heating and electricity generation, and burning it is responsible for about... LISTEN NOW
Authors: Nat Hardy, Megan Hall
Categories: CAISO, California Independent System Operator, Environment, Possibly Podcast, renewable energy, solar energy
For decades now, people have been installing solar panels, wind turbines and more to transition our energy to renewable sources – but we wondered, how’s it going? We turned to... LISTEN NOW
Authors: Nat Hardy, Kolya Shields, Megan Hall
Categories: Boston Medical Center, Environment, eversource, Possibly Podcast, utility bills
A new program at the Boston Medical Center says it prescribes solar panels to patients. But we wondered, what does that really mean? The post Can a doctor give you... LISTEN NOW
Authors: Meg Talikoff, Nat Hardy, Megan Hall
Categories: Environment, Forest Stewardship Council, life cycle assessment, Lincoln School, Possibly Podcast
Students at the Lincoln School have a question: should they be using wooden pencils or plastic mechanical ones? This week on Possibly we explain the answer, and how to find... LISTEN NOW